Core Values
We commit to obedience to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to God's inerrant Word.
We commit to living a life of personal holiness in imitation of Jesus Christ and bringing glory to God the Father in everything we do, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus Christ is God's only provision for salvation and all people without personal faith in Him are lost and will spend eternity in hell.
We seek to provide all people an opportunity to hear, understand and respond to the Gospel in their own cultural context.
We partner with groups, associations, and conventions of Evangelical churches around the world.
We serve churches to facilitate their involvement in the Great Commission and the sending of missionaries to bring all peoples to faith in Jesus Christ.
We evangelize through proclamation, discipling, equipping and ministry that results in indigenous reproducing Baptist churches.
We understand and fulfill God's mission through God's Word, prayer and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.